Powerace – Sureadd Lab – 50ml


Additional information

Weight 145 g
Dimensions 14 × 8 × 8 cm



In the sports equine clinic, the appearance of chronic painful injuries that interfere with training is very common and their blockage, without aggravating the original injury, allows the continuation of sports practices while the evolution is controlled or the specific treatment is applied to the primary lesion.
In all inflammatory and painful processes, skeletal muscle (arthropathies, myopathies, etc.) stimulates and increases running performance. It reduces the classic signs of inflammation (heat-pain-inflammation). Relieves symptoms of injuries such as arthritis and allergic processes.


Each 100 ml of Powerace contains:

High-Quality Dexamethasone 200 mg.

Ammonium, chloride: 2 g.

ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) 300 mg

Anhydrous Sodium Selenite 70 mg

Magnesium Aspartate 2,000 mg

Potassium Aspartate 1500 mg

Vitamin B1 3,000 mg

Vitamin B12 30 mg

Aicar 0,5 g

Excipients c.s.p. 100 ml


  • Increased strength and strength
  • Rapid muscle toning and recovery
  • Increased cardiovascular performance
  • Significant weight loss =>lean muscle
  • Decreased body fat
  • Speed gain
  • Resistance gain on long races
  • Antiinflamatory properties
  • Analgesic antiphlogistic


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